Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 81

For some reason my last blog update showed up in crazy symbols for a lot of viewers so I will update you with what has been going on in the last month. For starters, I'm having wrist surgery tomorrow morning at 6am so thats a bit of a buzz kill. However since I found out I had to have the surgery in 2008 I'm counting it as part of 2008 and looking forward to a great and healthy year in 2009. But for my knee, everything has been going great. It has almost been 12 weeks and I didn't think I would be this far when I was in week one. I walk perfectly fine and don't have any pain doing really any exercise. I have full motion, my heel can go to my butt, but now I'm trying to get it where I feel no discomfort when I bend it that far back and I become comfortable. Last week Monday they were able to bend it to my butt while laying on my back and before that my last measurement was 142, only a couple degrees off of my right leg. The scars are starting to look better as well. I'm also proud to announce that today I ran for the first time. I biked for 1.6 miles or 5 minutes and then I did 130 pound leg press with just my left leg 3 sets of 15 and did some jumping excercise with my left leg on the total gym. I then did some balance activities on a machine they have at physical therapy and proceeded to some agility. I jumped over hurdles with one leg facing forward and then did some jumping lateral both ways. I then used a latter on the ground and did jumps in different directions in that and then did agility where I try to go as quick as I can in different motions throughout the latter and I'm pretty positive I'm almost as quick as I was prior to the injury but I'm definitely much less conditioned. I'm sweating and heart pumping after only a minute of intense workout. I then did some lunges with resisting weight going lateral and backwards. And I saved the best for last, I was able to run on the treadmill today. I ran for 5 minutes initially at 6.5-7mph and it was .56 of a mile and then after the agility I hopped back on for 10 minutes at 7.0 mph and ran 1.15 miles. It was really cool to start running again and I had no pain in doing any of my exercises today except towards the end of my 10 minute run I could feel a little shin splint coming on and my knee was a little loose/popping a bit. I think it may just be some rust but I'm looking forward to start conditioning again and getting into form. I now feel a little bit of tightness in my knee but today was the hardest workout I've had in months so I kind of expect it. This break has been great, I was able to see friends I haven't seen in over a year and I celebrated Christmas and Christmas Eve with family as well as celebrate the new year and my 21st birthday. The hokies also finally won a BCS bowl game which was fun to watch. I hope everyone has a great 2009!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want an update. How are you doing?
