It's been a couple days over 3 months post op and coming up on Day 100. I have been running for a couple weeks but today was the first day I returned to running with the team during spring season workouts. I did physical therapy at 7 am and the team warmed up at 9 am and we ran 4.3 mile run on a trail and our university cross country course. I wasn't planning on running the whole way because the furthest I have fun in last 4 and a half months is 1.5 miles. But once I got going it felt so good to workout i just kept going. With temps below freezing I didn't even care. The great part is I didn't even finish last on the team, I came in third to last place. But everyone has been training 5 days a week for over a month. I finished the course at 35:40 and was dog tired at the end. Last week I started to run 5 days a week and this week I will continue that, but will work out with the team. Most likely at a slower pace, 400 meter sprints isn't going to happen just yet but I will do my best. I received one of those nike+ things for xmas and used it today which is really cool, I can track how far and fast I run every single time. I'm excited to start my senior year of college, classes are starting to get hard, I'm taking Intermediate Financial Accounting, Investments: Debt, equity, and derivative; Corporate Finance, International Financial Management, Real Estate Finance, and a food science elective. I'm really looking forward to start getting back onto the pitch so the team can start preparing for next season. Because I can't do much lifting with the team, I'm starting to train with the soccer ball outside with the coaches doing passing and dribbling and some agility work with a ladder and jumping and also a lot of ab workouts. A little bad news to report, I'm now the fattest I have ever been in my life. Our nutritionist makes us sit in this bod pod machine that calculates your body fat, lean muscle, etc. A little bit over a month ago i was 158 pounds with 4 percent body fat and 7 pounds of fat. Now Im 165 and doubled my fat to 8 percent and 14 pounds, but I know I will soon get back into shape.
Running! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!
Good job. You're doing so well and I am very proud of you!!
Remember Molly from my blog posts? She's flying in from Oregon next weekend to document my first run!! Yup, she's flying over 2,000 miles to hang out with me for the weekend and be there for my flagship run! How exciting. I can't believe it. We'll take pictures and put them up on my blog.
Wow, you've already logged some serious miles. Good for you! I'm very happy for you.
Give us an update!!
I am so glad to have found this blog. I tore my pcl/mcl March 22, 2008 skiing in Utah. I completed a year long pt rehab and got most of my mobility back. I want to run again. I opted out of reconstructive surgery because my orthopedic discouraged it. I am 44 and want to get fit again. Running works for me but I feel some instability and pain when trying to run. Is the surgery worth it in your opinion? I am aware I will have to repeat pt. I welcome your feedback and appreciate you sharing your journey on your blog.
Yes! It's a long road but worth it, every second is worth it!
Please post how you're doing these days.
There are two menisci in your knee; each rests between the thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia). The menisci are made of tough cartilage and conform to the surfaces of the bones upon which they rest. One meniscus is on the inside of your knee; this is the medial meniscus. An ACL tear is one of the most common knee injuries, particularly among people who take part in high-impact sports .The ruptured ligament is detached and then tunnels (holes) in the bone are pierced to accept the New graft.
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