Wednesday, November 12, 2008

20 Days and Counting

Today is day 20 post-op and things are starting to get better. I still have a lot of swelling in my knee but the scars look good. I wasn't suppose to be off crutches for 4-6 weeks but I should be off of them some time this week. I have been walking around my apartment and around campus with just my brace on, which is still locked out at 0 degrees. It is very hard to go up and down steps when you cant bend your leg. I go to the training room to meet with my magnificent 3 athletic trainers that work me 2 hours a day 6 days a week. My physical therapy has increased in difficulty as now I rock back and forth on a bike for 10 minutes, leg press, mini squats, and new ways to do knee extensions and other activities. I can bend my knee 65 degrees but I'm a little worried because I'm suppose to be somewhere around 90 in about a week. It hurts to bend my knee and I feel much more comfortable walking around with my brace on. The pain in my calf has vanished but recently came back in a different place but not nearly as bad. I have LOST 12 pounds in my leg, which is a stick or more like a twig. I will begin walking in an underwater treadmill as well as some new exercises this week. I'm happy that I can walk and get around without my crutches and drive again, however its disappointing my knee is still huge and I can't bend it as much as hoped. I will update pictures soon.


Anonymous said...

I learned about your blog from skinnygurls' website. I'm Molly (debridement and lateral release March 2007, PCL/MCL reconstruction October 2007, MUA and lysis of adhesions March 2008, tibia screw removal October 2008). At one year post-op I'm back to pre-injury condition (at least physically).

I found it really helpful to have a support network of similar-situated people. Finding skinnygurl's blog was a godsend. The recovery from this procedure is long and full of two-steps-forward-one-step-back days. It's a long haul! Good luck to you in your recovery and rehab. Keep icing and do what your OS and PTs tell you to do.

Skinnygurl said...

Way to go Charlie!!
If you want to, we can link each other in our blogs so people that find your blog can be linked to mine and visa versa. I can put your link on my front page. I plan to do that with Mollys journal too. As you found out, there is very little on the internet about the PCL. I'm glad you got started and I'll follow along to see how you're doing. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know.
Let me know if that's something you're interested in.
Good luck to you Charlie! The hard parts over!!

sockers4 said...

Molly thanks for visiting my blog and your support. I will defiantly have to keep in touch with people that have experienced the same recovery. Yours sounds like a bit worse than mine however its good that you are back to normal! Keep in touch and thanks for the advice

sockers4 said...


Thanks for your support and your visiting my blog. that would be really cool if we could link up our blog. However as a beginner blogger I have no clue how to do that so you will have to let me know what to do. I've been reading your blog for that last 2 months and I really appreciate your help. I hope you heal fast and glad I can talk to people that have gone through the same experience. Have a great weekend and let me know what I have to do in order to link each others blog!