Yesterday and today have both been really hard sessions of physical therapy each lasting about 2 and a half hours each. I have began to do new and more intense exercises in order to increase the strength of my quadricep as well beginning to learn how to walk again. The physical therapist has started to bend my knee for me to increase my range of motion while I lie on my stomach and it is by far the most pain I've ever been in. Although it hurts, it has started to pay dividends as my range of motion was only about 65 degrees 2 days ago and now it is above 75. I am no longer on crutches and my leg is getting smaller by the day. I found out good news that I should be able to start running by the end of January. The bad news is that my leg is suppose to be swollen for another 6-8 weeks.
Charlie has worked very hard, our sports medicine staff is proud of his recovery. stay out of trouble in Chicago. happy Thanksgiving Charlie
Hey Charlie, I just had Pcl surgery a month and a half now and was told not to bend to after like 4 weeks. Now Im trying to bend everyday and cant get pass 40 degrees. Its very painful and disturbing that I think I shouldve been starting to try and bend so I wouldnt get much stiffness. What things did you do to help you get maximum ROM in your knee. I really need to see results like 90 degrees. Thanx
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